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Overlooked Strategies to Drive your Business to Kingdom Greatness!

What I Got So Wrong,
For Years!

Where is God in my business? – Time poor; losing control; best employee gone; marriage breaking up. It shouldn’t be like this…

You’re right, it shouldn’t – and it doesn’t have to be. ​


Typically, as Christian business owners, we sense something’s missing. We build solid, commercial businesses, applying Christian values and morality into them because that’s what you do, right? Yet we’re dissatisfied. Our very ‘gut’ tells us that good morals and values, whilst a familiar starting point, just isn’t enough. Surely, there’s got to be more! Businesses we grow with God…can’t they be transformingly different? So, instead of draining us, they become exciting and energising to operate?


God's Incredible Solution

When Jesus Calls reissues the invitation to entrepreneurs: align your business with the Kingdom of God. It’s a gentle wooing by God’s Spirit. An invitation so attractive and outrageous that you’re drawn beautifully into His realm of possibilities. Where God Himself takes the lead as CEO of your business, powerfully renovating it into what He knows it can be.

My Story

Like most entrepreneurs, I experienced my share of what some might call “failures”, along the way. Through them I learned my first valuable business lessons. Yet a deep sense of “incompleteness” gnawed away at me: I knew I’d missed something vital – and other Christians weren’t helping me find it. My early businesses looked just like everybody else’s – and that didn’t satisfy me. I hoped my customers would somehow “see” that my Christianity made a difference. (Largely, they didn’t.) I wanted God to be invested in my work; but I had no understanding, then, of what doing business His way might look like.

When Jesus Calls is the result of a 6-year journey God has taken me on, after challenging me through an 80-year-old friend to "make God my CEO". And it’s definitely not all about me! I interviewed many people from around the world and have included a sample of their miraculous and intimate business dealings with God, too. So this book is not 'hot air with no substance'. There honestly is a real way to change your business from the inside out, with God. It will look, feel, give, receive and grow differently. However bad, or good, it is now, it will become so much better. It has to when God’s at the helm!


Many blessings,


Peter Lawry


What Others Are Saying About My Book

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"Peter Lawry has applied a fundamental Biblical principle to 21st century business in a fresh and dynamic way.
This should become a handbook for all Christians in the business world."

- Andrew Kelly

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I was sceptical I would learn anything new: how wrong can one be! (The chapter on forgiveness was mind-blowing.) Peter writes in clear, plain English, with short chapters: it was an easy read.

- Rose Davis

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"A work of enormous, power, passion, honour and divine wisdom. An essential and timely lesson in aligning your business to God's Kingdom."

- Andrew Burger

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We probably all try to live by Christian values in our workplace but at last Peter Lawry has brilliantly written a book that connects life as a Christian with life as a business owner. We know the two should be entwined and not separate activities split by Sundays and weekdays – but how? Peter challenges and unpacks what following Jesus looks like in business.

I am applying Peter’s revelations from the Lord – which revolve around bible references  – into my business, recognising it isn’t my business but His! In fact Peter challenges us to realise that Jesus should be our CEO and he unwraps what that means.


He lists questions we need to ask to ensure we are called to the business and can operate it in a Christ centric fashion.
Thank you Peter for providing a path and giving testimonial from others to help prompt changes in my approach to business!

- Andrew De Groot

Exclusive Bonus 

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Claim your copy now, and receive your bonus membership invitation to the exclusive "Kingdom Venturers Worldwide" Facebook group - a global membership network of like-minded business owners supporting each other to build Jesus-centric businesses. 

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What You Can Expect From When Jesus Calls

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Scripture shows that business is not a human commercial endeavour first and foremost: it's a heaven-motivated one: a God inspired way of leading groups of people to interact with one another, generating resources which He (not us) uses to establish his Kingdom on earth.


When Jesus Calls doesn’t peddle unrealistic promises. Instead it shares clear truth, and life in the Spirit for business owners – all in an easy-to-grasp way, through stories. 

But it will take courage and faith. Are you up for an amazing adventure? ​I pray that you'll love the incredible joy and freedom of handing your life and business over to Jesus as your CEO, as many others have already.

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Act Now! Your Free Sample Chapters From When Jesus Calls Are Only Awaiting Your Authorisation!

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Contact PETER

“I bring the Kingdom of God into businesses - and it works!”


Prophet | Speaker | Author | Radio Contributor | Christian SME Business Strategist | Prayer Minister.


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